May 9, 2016

cleaning car interior shutterstock_290850902

If it’s time for spring cleaning, one of the best places to start is your messy car. But cleaning is just one step to having an awesome interior. Here are six ways to reduce the clutter and make your VW more organized.

Document Binder

There are all sorts of small, tabbed, ringed binders in stores, and they’re not just for your kids at school. One of these binders is all you need to keep every important piece of information or document in one easy-to-reach place. Not only can you store insurance cards and other essentials, but also emergency contact numbers, written instructions for how to reach tricky destinations, and just about anything else.

Pencil Pouches

Simple fabric pouches with clear plastic on one side and a zipper at the top make it easier to keep all the loose items in your car together. You can use different pouches to keep similar items together. Then throw the pouches into a glove compartment or other closed space and you’ll never have to dig for loose change, batteries, a pen, or other little items. Best of all, you can keep multiple pouches linked on a key ring.

Nylon Disposable Bag

Suitable for all VW models, this strong textile bag attaches to the back of a front seat, and comes with a roll of plastic trash bags that fit inside. Put any disposables, trash, and other unwanted stuff in the bag, throw out the plastic bag once it’s full, and put a new one inside. More convenient than a mini trash can, this will keep wrappers and other bits of rubbish where they belong.

Cup Holder Tissues

Want to keep tissues in your car without the rectangular box? Pull the tissue cluster out, stuff them into an empty styrofoam cup with a top, and pull one of the tissues up through the straw hole. Just like that you’ve got a cup holder compatible tissue container at your disposal.

CarGo Organizer

If you have a 2015 Golf or GTI, this VW organizer fits perfectly in the cargo area, and has firm partitions that help you separate different items. Keep canned goods and other heavy groceries away from your eggs and other fragile items. The CarGo Organizer is spring-loaded and easily collapses for when you want to take it away and make room for a larger item.

Seat-Back Shower Bags

Shower bags are already made to easily hold a bunch of items at once, so why not stick a few behind the seats of your car? This is especially valuable for parents of multiple children, and allows each child to have their own personal bag for toys and distractions. It also teaches them about personal space and how to put things away.

A messy car is more easy to fix that you might expect. With these tips, you’ll never have to dig for that one thing you urgently need. We sell Volkswagen accessories ourselves, so be sure to check our site to see if anything will fit your needs. Enjoy the spring!

Image provided by Shutterstock
