May 9, 2016

lady looking for a beach shutterstock_226153090

Summer is a popular time of year for families to hit the road to see sights around the country. It’s important to document these adventures in order to have something to remember them by later. With so many technology options at your fingertips, what’s the best way to create memories? Document your family road trip in one of these five ways, and you’ll create memories that will last for many years to come.

Take Photos

Whether you bring along a digital camera or you simply use your smartphone, take as many pictures as possible. Photograph the sights you see, your loved ones, and the journey along the way. Don’t worry about taking too many photos, because you only have to print the ones you want. Make sure to take time to print your favorite vacation photos, and turn them into nice albums or scrapbooks. This way family and friends can sit down, look through your memories, and relive your vacation.

Keep a Journal

Now that you have photos to remember the sights, you’ll want to capture the feelings that accompany the memories. Journaling is a great way to keep notes of the big and small things that happen each day, and journals are easy to pack along on a road trip. Buy a paper journal and hand write your thoughts and travel stories, or keep digital notes on your computer or tablet. Either way, keeping a journal of the things you see and experience along the way will help you remember them long after the vacation ends.

Write a Blog

With a blog, you can combine journaling and photography as well as share your adventures more widely. This can be either a family blog that gives the whole family some input, or it can be your own personal perspective. If you want to share the journey with family, friends, and those you meet along the way, a blog is the perfect way to do it.

Shoot Video

Video is a fantastic way to capture real-time experiences that show not only what you’re seeing but also your own running commentary about it. Although you might not watch your vacation videos every weekend, you’ll treasure looking back on them as the kids grow up and the years pass. To make sure you can enjoy the videos for years to come, be sure to store your recordings safely, such as on a clearly labeled DVD or in the cloud.

Send Postcards

Years ago, travelers often purchased postcards during their travels to stay in touch with friends and family back home. While postcards aren’t as popular as they once were, they’re still a fun way to document your travels. Collect postcards along the way, and turn them into collages or photo albums that capture the spirit of your trip.

No matter how you decide to document your road trip, just make sure to do it with words, photos, or video. It might not seem important now, but recording your memories will help them last for a lifetime.

Image provided by Shutterstock
