Why Buy Official VW Parts | Lewisville, TX

Why Buy Official Volkswagen Parts | Lewisville, TX


If you need a parts replacement or are interested in customizing your ride with accessories, you have to decide whether to buy aftermarket or OEM parts. While generic aftermarket parts may be the cheaper option, they fall behind when it comes to quality and accessibility, which is why official Volkswagen parts are the better choice overall.


More reliability


When you purchase a VW part, you can rest assured that you are paying for a high-quality part. OEM parts are designed specifically for your vehicle, which means they work just as well as the parts you’re replacing once did. Aftermarket parts, on the other hand, are not made with specific models in mind, which is why they tend not to be as reliable of options. In addition, these parts may not last as long as OEM parts and may ultimately put more of a dent in your wallet over time. 


Manufacturer warranties


Many VW parts come with warranty coverage. As such, if you need a parts replacement shortly after purchasing a VW vehicle, you can get one for free at the dealership, depending on your vehicle’s specific warranties. Several aftermarket brands do not offer warranties, so you’ll be stuck paying repair costs if a part stops functioning properly. Even if an aftermarket part has a lower starting price, it may end up costing more in the long run without warranty coverage.


Easy installation


When you’re ready to get an official VW part or accessory, you can simply head to Lewisville Volkswagen and request the part you need. We will then install the part for you quickly so you can get back on the road. If we don’t carry the part or accessory you want, we can order it and then install it for you. Meanwhile, shopping for aftermarket parts is difficult since there are so many brands to consider, and you may not be able to have them installed at the same location that you buy them from. 


Whether an accessory has caught your eye or your vehicle is in need of a new part, visit the Lewisville Volkswagen parts department in Lewisville, Texas, and our staff will be happy to help. 

